Dining Attire
The required attire for gentlemen is best described as “Club Casual” (i.e.: collared shirts, Tommy Bahama style shirts, slacks, nice Bermuda length dress shorts, and neat denim.) Tennis and yachting attire are permitted. Jackets are optional. Similar attire is requested for ladies and children. Nice flip flops are permitted.
The Cove Terrace is the only designated dining area where appropriate bathing suit cover-ups (sheer or fishnet cover-ups are not permitted) for ladies are permitted and similar for gentlemen and children.
Recreational Attire
Pool, Pool Deck, Pavilion, Pavilion Bar
All Members and guests must wear Club appropriate bathing attire. Cheeky, thong-style bathing suits for ladies are not considered appropriate bathing attire and are not permitted.Appropriate bathing suit cover-ups (sheer or fishnet cover-ups are not permitted), shirts with sleeves for men and footwear must be worn while at the Pavilion bar, seated under the Pavilion, or Pool Restrooms. No tank tops, sleeveless, or cut off shirts for gentlemen.
Small children must wear swim diapers in the pool.
All players (including children and guests) must wear proper tennis attire.Smooth-soled, clay court, tennis shoes ONLY; no bare feet, cross trainers, flip flops, or hiking boots will be permitted.
Proper shirt and shorts/skirt only; no sport bras, biking shorts, running shorts, or swimsuits will be permitted. Tank tops are not permitted for men.
The Tennis Staff and the Tennis Committee reserve the option to discontinue play based on attire.
Fitness Center & Etiquette
All free-weights, steps, and equipment are to be returned to their appropriate place after use. All equipment should be wiped down and sanitized upon completion of your use of equipment.Proper fitness attire and shoes must always be worn. No flip flops, or open-toed shoes.
Cell phone use is prohibited in the Fitness Center.